Our Underwater Archaeology and Exploration Diving is unique in the world

Two days of eLearning prior to our face to face learning
eLearning topics consist of the Underwater Archaeology Society of British Columbia's new Archaeology for Divers program as well as modules on Logistics, planning and risk assessment, Human Factors and Non Technical Skills training, Safety and emergency preparedness, and report writing

Two days of field drills and shallow water skill consolidation
Here you will be introduced to datum offset survey and trilateration survey techniques and data collection on dryland. Then we will move into shallow water where we can practise the skills we learned in a real ocean environment and focus on team building and becoming efficient at data collection

Two days of data collection and surveying on a historic wreck site
Here will will spend three days of diving from our dedicated exploration vessel, the Thermocline, on a real historical wreck site. We will begin with a general "get acquainted" dive on the wreck site followed by developing a strategy to survey the principle wreck features. Then we will return to plot our results

One day of final survey plotting and report writing
Finally, we will compile our data in a standardized shipwreck recording form in preparation for submission to the UASBC. Then we will discuss how best to present our findings in the form of magazine articles, social media information or even scientific papers. We will also learn about how underwater archaeological artifacts are conserved.

Our eLearning instructors include Gareth Lock, Michael Menduno, and Jacques Marc.
Gareth is the founder of The Human Diver, and author of Under Pressure: Diving Deeper with Human Factors. Michael is one of the most prominent diving authors in the world, a former writer for the Washington Post and editor of Aquacorps Magazine. He is also the current editor of InDepth magazine. Jacques is the Exploration Director and one of the founders of the Underwater Archaeology Society of British Columbia
From one of our most recent students:
"This course is likely to inspire a future generation of divers of varied experience levels to apply their skills in a meaningful way that they may have not expected would be possible – in short, it will give divers who may not know how to pursue their passion both a HOW and a WHY”
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